Category: Blog


3 Things I Leared from Pastor Benny

[bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap1″]I[/bra_dropcaps]t’s crazy to think I have now been in Vegas for eight years and seven months! No doubt the greatest moments of my life have all happened since God brought me here in August 2003. I wanted to give you three things (I could write down 300) that I have learned from my pastor, Benny Perez…

[bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap3″]1.[/bra_dropcaps]God works it out. I have seen my Pastor wronged by some crazy people. Some saints, some sinners, some staff! He has always blessed, taken the heat in public, and trusted God. It has always paid off. I have seen so miracles in Pastor Benny’s life and I am convinced there is a connection. God said bless your enemies and I’ll bless you. God has proven that he is NOT a liar.

 [bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap3″]2.[/bra_dropcaps] Personal devotion. If you are around Pastor Benny any amount of time you will hear him refer to his devotion time. “I was reading” “I was praying and…” “This morning I was praying and God spoke to me.” These are all constant phrases from my Pastor. I want them to be true of me too!

 [bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap3″]3.[/bra_dropcaps]He makes altar calls. I know that sinners prayers and altar calls are not “IN” right now but we can’t ignore Romans 10, “Anyone who CALLS on the name of The Lord shall be saved”. Nothing fires up a congregation like seeing people stream to the altar to give their hearts to Jesus. Pastor Benny has never been ashamed and I pray by Gods grace, I wont be either.



Lately I have been thinking about my life and what my “non-negotiables” are. These are those things that I hold dearly and need to practice in my life daily. Some areas I am MUCH stronger in than others but nonetheless these are areas I know I want to get stronger in or stay strong in. I have been asking the Lord to keep the important things, important. I figure if that happens, my life should basically work out! Some of this is ministry related some is personal.

#1: The Baptism of The Holy Spirit. I am more convinced than ever that we need the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and give us POWER. Pretty simple… I personally believe that every believer can be baptized in the Spirit and speak in tongues just like the disciples did in Acts two. However, I am not here to debate that in this blog. As leaders and believers our reliance must be in God and not in our abilities. Jesus takes the personal responsibility to baptize YOU in The Holy Spirit! I think it is important to Him and should be to us as well. A great resource on this subject is The Holy Spirit Today by Dick Iverson.

#2: Daily Bible Reading. We must understand that there is a difference between discipline and the law. Many times we read the words of Paul in the epistles and every time we read that “we are no longer under the law” we think spiritual disciplines are no longer needed. We are no longer bound to the 613 Mosaic laws. We are now under the law of love. Love God, love people. EASY! Here is what I have found. When I am daily in the Word, I love God and love people! HELLO! Eat that book every day, it will change you. The word of God is the will of God and the will of God pleases God. So get His word/will IN YOU. 1st John 5:13-15 in the NLT helps us understand this.

#3: God calls people YOUNG. Jesus called teenage disciples. Jeremiah and Samuel were kids, David, Timothy, Joshua and the list goes on and on! This is a constant haunting reality that I must take seriously! Every time I preach, lead worship, disciple, spend time with a young person I need to believe that it could be the day they hear the call! You never know what God is doing in the hearts of people. Don’t preach to people’s faces, preach to their spirits! Preach to their potential!

#4: Life is Short and Eternity is Long. I read a tweet yesterday that said “The day your life ends and eternity begins you will have a face to face conversation with Jesus”. According to Matthew 25, in the parable of the talents we will either hear Jesus say “Well done” or “depart from me”. I want to hear WELL DONE!!! I want to use every opportunity, talent, resource, and motivation of my heart for the glory of God. Lord, help us all.

#5: My Spirit, Soul and Body are all Connected. Simple huh? Not really… Every level of my life must be a priority TO ME. Recently I heard Wayne Cordeiro say, “that it is God, you, family, church. NOT, God, family church.”  I am taking my health seriously this year. Ill be thirty in 18 months. That freaks me out! Gotta be sharp in every area.


Why I Am A Conference Junky

Let me start by saying, this is not a plug for Dedicated2012. Though, I will say, I would LOVE for you to come! Anytime you can get Chad Veach, Carl Lentz, Chris Hill, Benny Perez, and Wendy Perez in the same room its guaranteed good things are going to happen! This blog is why I personally love conferences and attend many every year and why I pay for the travel cost and conference fees personally.

#1: Inspiration. As a leader you know that you can not put a price on inspiration. It is invaluable! Inspiration comes and goes so when it comes you need to capitalize on it. Every time I go to a conference I leave inspired, energized, and excited! If for nothing else you get to worship and hear the word in a different, fresh setting and that in itself will bless you.

#2: Relationships. I have met so many great friends through out the years at conferences. I can honestly say that most of my closest friendships started at a conference. Two friends come to mind off the top of my head. I was in Utica, NY freezing attending Mike Servello’s youth conference. I ran into two guys (brothers) Robbie and Ricky Hilton. We had an immediate connection and have been friends ever since. You know never when God has a Kingdom Connection waiting for you.

#3: Life Change. I was saved, called into the ministry, filled with the Spirit, met life long friends, and the list goes on and on at conferences! YOU should work hard in your budget (ministry and or personal) to attend at least one or two conferences a year. It is a total game changer! If that is a total impossibility because of finances then make sure you are a voracious reader and “podcaster”. Keep the information and revelation flowing.



Psalm 126: Dreams

This week I will be writing about a chapter that is very near to my heart… Psalm 126. This has become the vision and picture to the Seven leadership team of what our ministry could look like. It is marked by five keywords that I want to focus on.  Everyday I will write about one of those keywords.

Before I go any further, let me first define culture. Culture is important because EVERY family, business, church, restaurant, etc. has a culture. Culture defined by Sam Chand is, “This is how we do things here.” So that means  this is how we do it, why we do it, when we do it, at what volume we do it, on and on. These five words that I will highlight are helping shape our culture. Although I am giving you our five words, they may not be the words that you want to define your ministry. I would say that you are currently building a culture whether you are trying to or not. Culture is built/created by words and values. So figure out what you want your ministry to look like, sound like, feel like, etc. and move forward in that!


The psalmist said that when God delivered them “we were like those who dreamed.” I want to empower a generation to dream! This generation needs a God kind of dream that only comes from the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17). A man given dream only blesses you; a God given dream blesses you and others. It is not a self help new age idea to dream. It is from God! To see what God sees, think like God thinks, and to live the life Jesus came to give us (John 10:10)! I want to empower young people to think bigger than Jersey Shore, The Kardashians, or how many likes they can get on an instagram photo! I want them to not only be inspired by man like Dr King but to imitate him! Could they be modern day reformers and dreamers? YES! Release them to dream and think big. Kingdom thinking.

As a leader you must dream, and then release your ministry to dream.

If we live in the fulfillment of the former generations dream but never dream for ourselves we will have nothing to give to the next generation.




What I Learned from 17 Year Old Guys


Today I hung out with four seventeen year old guys and learned some cool things that I believe can help us as youth pastors…

#1: They’re NOT perfect. Hormones are raging, immaturity is high, and families are not super healthy. This can lead to some mistakes and that’s OK! Give students grace as they grow.  Never be quick to write anyone off and NEVER hold them to your standards. You are the leader and the example. Let them follow and understand they will not follow perfectly. The greatest key to their spiritual growth and to serving for the long haul is knowing they have someone to run to when they fail. And that’s YOU!

#2: No one is too COOL to have FUN. We talked for at least forty minutes about Sky Zone, dodge ball, and laughing about injuries they have had. I love that guys are so easily entertained talking about broken bones, shoulders popping out of socket, concussions, and pain in general! They asked for a guys night where we could play dodge ball, eat pizza, and have fun.  These guys are NOT the Screech type students. They are much more like AC Slater! Y’all remember them?

#3: They want relationship! As I said in my last blog, youth ministry is all about relationships. I invited one guy to hang out and he brought three others. Not because he invited them but because when they heard he was hanging with me they asked to come. Now, I am not that cool! They just want relationship that bad! Give your students time, respect, and attention. They will open up and draw close.




Sex Trafficking Awareness Day

Today is Sex Trafficking Awareness Day. It is a day to raise awareness about the modern-day slavery happening in the world. Today, there are more slaves alive right now then in world history. Over twenty-seven million people  RIGHT NOW are under the cruel bondage of sex-traffickers and pimps. One man who was arrested in Greece for running a brothel with women who were prostituting against their will were asked, “why sex slavery? Why not be a drug dealer, or an arms dealer?” His response was shocking… “prostituting women is easier because there is an endless supply an endless demand and the punishment if caught is much lighter then drugs or guns.” Sad. In America, you can receive up to a twenty-five thousand dollar fine and receive jail time for poaching an animal and yet be given community service for controlling, manipulating, and enslaving a human being.

Is there anything YOU can do? YES! Last week The Passion Movement held a young adult conference in Atlanta and raised over three million dollars to give to ministries helping set men and women free from sex slavery. And YOU can be a part of that. Here at The Church we run a ministry called Impact. Impact does many things for our community including running a house that helps young women get on their feet and free from their past life.

Here are just a few things we do:

  • Give them a free place to stay at a secret and safe location
  • Free counseling, job training,  food and everything they need to live

The Impact House, is a one year rehabilitation system that takes a woman from prostitution to becoming beautiful valuable member of our society. To date we have helped over a dozen women and more are coming in every month. We are the ONLY ministry of its kind in the city of Las Vegas. Do you want to help? You can give right now and help many more hundreds freed from slavery. No gift is too small, no gift is too big. Help somebody today.



What I Learned at a Jr. High Basketball Game

First off… Jr High ministry is crazy! I am very blessed to have ‘Jr. High Whisperer’ Jay Hubbard, he has a freakish gift with this age group.  I am grateful for him! Now to the game… I was immediately shocked that in the wealthiest zip code in Nevada, the gym was packed with students. The atmosphere was fun, loud, stinky, and wild. I couldn’t believe it! These very wealthy students were not playing Wii, Xbox, or watching TV. They were talking, laughing, and completely ignoring the game! HELLO! It reminded me all over again that:

#1: Youth ministry is ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS! Gateway Church says it so well, “We’re All About People”. Seven’s leadership mission statement is similar: To love and  encourage young people.” My leaders don’t have to be Bible scholars. They just need to love people enough to encourage them, pray for them, give them time, and respect them. At the game, kids were having a blast and I immediately thought WE NEED TO HAVE MORE FUN AT SEVEN!!! WE NEED MORE FOOD!!! WE NEED A BETTER WAY TO LET PEOPLE EXPRESS THEIR NEED TO BE SOCIAL!!! How can you give the kids more time to talk and be heard during your youth night? A simple step may be cutting a song or shortening your sermon and add a discussion time or small groups to your service.

#2: Youth ministry doesn’t have to be perfect. As you may know, Jr. High basketball isn’t exactly the NBA – the kids didn’t care. The cheerleading was sloppy – the kids didn’t care. It was hard to hear the music during the half time show – the kids didn’t care. There were adults and parents EVERYWHERE – THE KIDS DIDN’T CARE! I love that youth groups are so cool… and at Seven we strive hard for excellence. I believe God and this generation deserve our best. I also know the kids would rather talk and be heard then watch your human video. Don’t act like you didn’t rock a Carmen tune or two!

#3: Youth ministry has to stop denying that kids have short attention spans. I know your a good preacher… I know you’re awesome! I know you’re the next Judah Smith. I BELIEVE YOU! I also know that kids are now used to tweeting, instagraming, facebooking, skyping, watching a TV show, and doing their homework all at the same time. It is NOT a good thing but kids need more mental stimulation and they need your youth service to MOVE. Halfway through the game the kids all around me were talking about going to the skate park after the game. They were already onto the next thing. You can get creative and figure out ways to work with that or you can deny it and become another boring expression of church. Figure out ways to keep the service and sermon fluid and interactive. Many of the kids feel ignored at home and need attention from authority. TAG, YOUR IT! I am not telling you to preach for fifteen minutes. I am saying you need to find the balance for that hour and half of spiritual, social, emotional, musical, and mental stimulation.


Why Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are Good for Christian Girls

Ok… lets state the obvious. As far as I know Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are not Christians. So if you want Tebow morals or Osteen inspiration your not gonna get it! Secondly, I hate confrontation. So if your mad about this blog, I’m sorry. Lets not fight. Lastly, I am NOT endorsing their language, movies or morals. Ok? This is about what we can learn from them and how we as pastors (especially youth pastors) can empower young women to be everything God called them to be. As Serita Jakes says: “YOU, DO YOU!”

#1: You don’t have to be perfect! Now I’m not saying that these women aren’t beautiful, because they are. I am saying they do not fit the Kardashian mold. And I love that! They are confident, hilarious, smart, and are taking over Hollywood! They have found their gifts and talents and use them excellently. Youth Pastor, the young women in your ministry don’t have to be like your wife: they don’t have to lead worship and they don’t have to preach! Release them to use the gifts God gave them! Not the gifts you wish He gave them. Cooking, dancing, art, media, comedy, acting, pintrest, photography, etc. Think outside the box and release young women to be the best sanctified version of themselves they can be!

#2: Women can LEAD! Kristen Wiig has revived SNL and for that I’m grateful! Don’t be afraid to release women not only in their gifts but in leadership. This generation of women needs to be taught that you can get where you want to get to without sexual exploitation, manipulation, or a certain look. Excellence and character still work!

#3: Femininity without sexuality. Today a new dress code was put into place here at The Church. Skirts must be knee length. For some of you that may seem too long for others too short. That means that female staff, interns, and women on stage can no longer wear a skirt that goes above the knees. When I heard the rule I laughed. I laughed because I knew some would have a big problem with it and to me that is a problem. Don’t let culture tell you what cute is. Don’t feel the pressure to live up to Hollywood standards. Women are beautiful. Whether in jeans, long dresses, long skirts, or a Forever lazy! By the way, I don’t care if you wear a skirt above the knee. I care that we have a society that is telling young women that beautiful is short skirts, cleavage, and 98lbs! Just look at the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages of the girls in your ministry. Don’t tell me they don’t feel the pressure! Women like Wiig and McCarthy let young women know you can be beautiful, wildly confident, funny, successful, and smart and not fit THE MOLD! As youth pastors we should do the same



3 Reasons Why I Worship on Stage


I worship on stage on Wednesday nights… I don’t stand on the front row, don’t chill in a green room, or hang in the back.

If you do any of those things it’s all good. Here is why I do what I do…

#1: Perspective. It is cool to look over the crowd and just see and feel the vibe. It can help you to know where to take the night.

#2: Example. Never forget this… YOU ARE THE WORSHIP LEADER. Your people need to see HOW to worship. Yes, give them all the biblical reasons and expressions of worship,however when you live a life of worship and show them how to worship they WILL follow.

#3: Leadership. Your leaders (both worship team and other leaders) need to see you and know that NO ONE is to cool to worship. Green rooms are for conferences, not a local youth ministry. Plus, it encourages your worship team BIG TIME. They are inspired and fearless knowing their pastor is up there slugging it out with them. Everyones faith rises.


Water Baptism

WHY be Baptized:

Because you want to follow Christ’s example. “At that time Jesus came from Nazareth and was baptized by John in the river.” Mark 1:9 Because Christ commanded it. “Jesus said, `Go then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then teach them to obey everything I have commanded you..’” Matthew 28:19-20 Because it shows you are a believer. ”…many of the Corinthians who heard him believed and were baptized.” Acts 18:8 Because obeying Christ’s command shows you know Him. “We know that we have come to know Him, if we obey His commands.” 1 John 2:3

The MEANING of Baptism:

It is a symbol of Christ’s burial and resurrection. ”Christ died for our sins…he was buried… and he rose again.” 1 Corinthians. 15:3,4“For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ.” Colossians 2:12 It is a symbol of your new life as a Christian. “When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17“By our baptism then we were buried with Him and shared His death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead also we might live a new life!” Romans 6:4
Baptism does not make you a believer, it shows that you already are one! Baptism does not “save” you, only your faith in Christ does that. Baptism is like a wedding ring – it’s the outward symbol of the commitment you made in your heart.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

HOW should we be baptized:

Like Jesus was baptized by being immersed in water. “As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water.” Matthew 3:16 Every baptism in the Bible was by immersion under water. “…then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water…” Acts 8:38,39 The word “Baptize” literally means “to dip under water”. The Greek word “baptizo” means “to immerse or dip under water.” It is the best way to picture a burial and resurrection. Martin Luther… “I would have those who are to be baptized to be entirely immersed, as the work imports and the mystery signifies.” John Calvin… “The word ´baptize´ signifies to immerse. It is certain that immersion was the practice of the ancient church.” John Wesley… “Buried with Him, alludes to baptizing by immersion according to the custom of the first church.”

WHO should be baptized:

Every person who has made the decision to believe in Christ.
”Those who believed and accepted His message were baptized.” Acts 2:41 “But when they believed Philip as he preached the Good News… And the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.” Acts 8:12 “Simon himself believed and was baptized…” Acts 8:13 The one requirement for baptism is belief in Christ! We do not baptize children until they are old enough to understand and believe. Some churches practice a “baptism of confirmation” for children. This ceremony is intended to be a covenant between the parents and God on the behalf of the child. The parents promise to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make his own personal confession of Christ. This custom began about 300 years after the Bible was completed. This is different from the baptism talked about in the Bible which was only for those old enough to believe. The purpose is to publicly confess your personal commitment to Christ

WHEN should I be baptized:

As soon as you have believed! You shouldn’t delay.
”Those who believed…were baptized…that day!” Acts 2:41 “Then Philip began with the Scripture and told him the Good News about Jesus. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, Look here is water! Why shouldn’t I be baptized right now? Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. The official answered, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.” Acts 8:36-39 (paraphrase) There is no reason to delay. As soon as a person decides to believe in Christ, they can and should be baptized.