
One Word.


[bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap1″]A[/bra_dropcaps]few weeks ago, Shanen and I decided to drive to Arizona to attend a leadership conference. (Side note: It is important to attend conferences as pastors and leaders) We were in need of some refreshing and were expecting God connections and a word from the Lord. We got it! 

During one of the sessions, Kent Munsey preached and made a statement that has continued to encourage me and change me.


[bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap3″]1.[/bra_dropcaps]ONE WORD FROM GOD CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING! This is why consistently being in the Word is important and why listening (Faith comes be HEARING) to teaching/preaching is not optional.


[bra_dropcaps style=”dropcap3″]2.[/bra_dropcaps]Here is what he said that has really been helping me. Genesis 48 records the story of Joseph seeing his brothers for the first time since they had sold him into slavery. Verse 9 says something that could be as life changing for you as it was for me, [bra_highlight style=”highlight1″]”He remembered the dreams he had”.[/bra_highlight] He chose not to remember the pain, the frustration, the pit, the prison, the hate or the jealousy. He chose to remember the promise, the dream and the plan of God. He would go on to say in chapter 50, “You meant it for evil, but God has done this for my good.”

I know that what I focus on will directly affect my life. I have to CHOOSE to remember the promises and dreams and CHOOSE to forgive and move on from every hurt or disappointment. I recently sent out a tweet that said, [bra_social_icons]twitter, http://twitter.com/jabinchavez [/bra_social_icons] “Destiny is not always what you thought it was going to be but it is always better than you thought it would be.” 

No matter the disappointment or unanswered question, I have to go back to the prophetic words over my life, the gift He put in me and the original dream I was given. This keeps me faith filled and full of hope. I choose to look beyond my past and hold on to the Word He gave me.

In Jeremiah 20, Jeremiah has a very real talk with God and is at the point of giving up. He is mad at people, mad at God and probably even mad at himself. He tells God he wants to quit the ministry BUT he can’t… Why? Because there is a word in him that feels like fire in his bones and he can not contain it! I believe the original call/dream of Jeremiah was one that kept him through the darkest nights and lowest valleys. The dreams kept Joseph faithful in every situation and I know that Gods word and dream will keep you as well. Keep your eyes on Jesus. The storms will pass, seasons will change, nights will turn to morning and through it all, Jesus will be there.